Quality Management: Professional
Assets Module
Aimed at users of the Quality Management: Professional Assets module, this curriculum contains all the courses you need to use the Assets module.
Curriculum content
In this course, you will learn about assets and examine the asset lifecycle. 10 - 15 mins Learning objectives: ü List examples of assets ü Explain what asset activities are ü Explain what asset non-conformances are ü List the key stages of the asset lifecycle ü Identify reasons why your organisation might use the Assets module
In this course, you will learn how to create asset records in Ideagen Quality Management. 15 - 20 mins Learning objectives: ü Create a new asset record ü Create a new asset record based on an existing one
In this course, you will learn how to update an asset as unavailable and archive asset records. 10 - 15 mins Learning objectives: ü Mark an asset as unavailable ü Archive an asset
In this course, you will learn how to assign activity types to asset records and schedule asset activities. 15 - 20 mins Learning objectives: ü Assign an activity type to an asset ü Schedule an activity for an asset ü Remove an activity type from an asset
In this course, you will learn how to access and update asset records in Ideagen Quality Management. 10 - 15 mins Learning objectives: ü Describe the purpose of the asset record fields and sections ü View the activities performed on an asset ü View the non-conformance record of an asset ü Edit an asset record
In this course, you will learn how to raise a CA/PA against an asset. 15 - 20 mins Learning objectives: ü Raise a CA/PA against an asset ü View asset information from within a CA/PA record